Last week was turbulent and filled with unrest. It was good
for me; I arrived at some much needed conclusions and revisited my plans for
life. But it came with a heavy price and not a small amount of hurt.
When one looks back on ones life and finds it wanting and
incomplete, it is especially sad. Last week I was sad. I am sad this morning. I
have been in a period of deep repentance for several days now and it continuous
this morning.
I have been repenting because I made some decisions very
early in my life that caused me to miss the mark and veer from the direction
God had for my life. To be honest, part of the reason I got off track was my
own deep respect for ministry and a desire to do it “right” if I was going to
do it at all. I was 16 when I felt a distinct, unmistakable calling on my life
for ministry. I treated that calling with such honor and respect that when I
missed it the first time, (as related in a previous post) I held it in such
high regard that I felt unworthy to try again. This was foolish and only showed
my lack of intimate knowledge of God. I only knew the harsh legalist of my
childhood, and not the God who called me with an irrevocable calling and who
would not rest until I was heeding it.
The past few days I have been in a prolonged period of
introspection, and repentance for each decision I made subsequent to that
decision that “I wasn’t cut out for ministry”. It has been hard and it has
Several years ago, I was standing along the Delaware River
back home at Battery Park in Old New Castle. It is my favorite place on earth
to be contemplative and introspective. I was talking with someone who was
struggling at the time. He told me he was “living right”, active in church,
tithing, reading the Bible each day, spending time in prayer etc. But, he said,
he was still struggling badly. The ends weren’t meeting, his work was
struggling, and he was not “blessed”. We talked for a long time and finally I
said to him; “Listen…imagine you are standing inside a Hula-Hoop right here” I
drew an imaginary circle on the ground and continued. “If this hula hoop is
your life and you can honestly say you are doing all the things you know to do
and you are right before the Lord and He is not blessing you, there are only
two reasons that can be. One, you aren’t being honest and there is something in
your life preventing Him from blessing you, or Two, it is time for you to move
to another Hula Hoop and if He blessed you any further in this one, you’d stay
in this one.”
As it turns out, this person wasn’t being entirely
forthright with me and he was hiding some secret sins. God’s blessing could not
fall on him because his life was in the way.
But the advice, and the analogy remains as some of the best
advice I have ever given anyone. Last week I took this advice for myself.
In my life I have always been somewhat successful. I taught
myself carpentry and got good at it and had a decent business. Decent but not
particularly prosperous. I spent ten years in the mortgage business and was
very good at it. I was nationally recognized for both my knowledgability in the
business and for my marketing. I was very good at my job. And yet, in the
height of the industry, when guys with far less ability than me were making
$750,000, my best year was $104,000.
My recent conclusion…there is a vast difference between
being a success and being blessed. I was a success. I had learned a business
from the ground up and had achieved recognition. I made some money and had a
few things. But I was miserable. I was so unfulfilled that every single day I
would beg God not to let this be the way my life would go for the next 25
years. There was something missing. I was not blessed.
The word “blessed” means “Hilariously happy”. So happy that
you can’t contain it. So fulfilled that you’d work for free...heck you might
even pay to do the job. So happy that you might not have everything you want,
but your happiness with what you have is so deep that it’s all the same. That
is being blessed.
I was not blessed. Neither was I happy.
The opposite of blessed is opposed, I think. At least for me
it was. I was opposed. I was constantly rowing my boat into a strong wind. It
was harder for me to make less money than the other guys in my industry. I was
never happy. There was always something missing. I was unfulfilled and
miserable and most certainly not blessed.
A blessed man always has enough…regardless of what his
checkbook says. A blessed man always has a nice car, even if it’s old and
beaten. A blessed man is so consumed with happiness and thankfulness with what
he has, that he seldom notices whet he doesn’t have. A blessed man has
something others want. I most definitely didn’t have that.
Last week I realized that my lack of happiness and my lack
of success and my always feeling like I was fighting against a rising tide and
a swift current was because God couldn’t bless me. Not if He wanted to move me
from my Hula Hoop.
Last week I caught the last ten minutes of Charles Stanley as
he taught on Jesus’ parable of the Ten Talents. I love this parable. Here is
something interesting…and just like Jesus. The Talent was an actual unit of
currency in that day. So this wasn’t Jesus making up a word. Jesus could have
used another currency. He could have used a Drachma, or a Farthing, or pieces
of silver, or a mite. But he used a Talent. He was clever like that. The dual
meaning is obvious and needs no explanation.
The servant who buried his talent was afraid. He knew his
master was a tough man who demanded the best from his people, but who rewarded
them well. He knew the talent was special…that’s why he buried it instead of
leaving it on his dresser or carrying it around in his pocket. The talent was
an extra gift. It wasn’t part of his daily job description. He still had that
and apparently still did those tasks. This distribution of talents was a chance
for the servants in the story to shine. A promotion of sorts. “Here” said the
master, “here is something extra. I believe in you. Go make something with
this.” Was his order. Two of the servants did just that. They placed the
talents where they would grow and gain value. (A type of evangelism where more
souls were added) the third servant was so overwhelmed by the extra gift and so
blown away by the show of confidence his master had given him that he froze in
fear and hid it in a safe place, desiring only to return it someday in pristine
The third servant was punished for his wickedness. He hid
his talent. He buried the gift.
I was that guy.
For about 28 years now, I tried to pacify myself with
attempts at business success. I was certainly living “right”. I was active in
church, regular in my bible study and prayer, tithing regularly, I taught bible
studies and even functioned as an interim youth pastor for a year at a church I
formerly attended. But I was not doing what I was here to do and I had hidden
my talent.
Because of this I could not be blessed. I lived almost my
entire adult life without that extra dimension of God’s richest blessings.
Where others had doors blow open for them…I found locked door after locked
Even sadder is how this hurt me in my soul. I have not been
deeply satisfied and fulfilled in years, except in my fatherhood.
Last week I repented for burying my talents. I repented for
forsaking the call I have on my life. Now I am praying for God’s deepest
blessings to begin to pour on me. I need them now more than ever.
What of you? Are you successful and not blessed? Is there
real hilarious happiness in what you do or are you trudging through bog after
bog trying to find a smile that long escaped your lips. Can God bless you where
you are?
Or is it time for a new Hula Hoop?