There comes a point in every Christian's life -if you are
serious about your Faith- that you'll be faced with a decision that will cost
you. Mine came today.
Last year, a friend of mine I've known since childhood took
his stand. He is a pastor back home, and when Delaware was voting on same-sex
marriage, George decided he could not stand by and watch the state legislate
this law into existence without speaking up. He did. It was his crossroads
moment. Whether you agree with him or not, he made a conscious decision on
principle and he stood.
I became a Christian at a fairly young age. I was eight or
nine years old. So I didn't get saved from much as far as a personal history of
sinful behavior. Nor was I simply bull-rushed to the altar after Sunday
School and told to repeat a prayer. My first Sunday School teacher was a sweet man named Bill
Bell, and he carefully explained to me that I was a sinner, just like everyone
else. One sin or a million sins was not the issue. The issue was my nature. I
prayed with him that Sunday, and I got saved. Saved from my nature. Saved from
the same condemnation that awaits all mankind. I was born again. Because the
first time only resulted in a lost soul entering this world. You don't hear
these terms much anymore. You hear "engage" "interaction"
and the ever popular "relationship."
Listen...I have a relationship with the mailman, because I need my mail.
But I don't know a thing about him. We don't hear clear-cut messages about
salvation anymore. We hear about "manifestations of the Spirit"
"Prosperity" "God wants you to be super duper awesome"
"God is love" "Speak the Kingdom into your life!" and
"Go claim your destiny in Jesus name." Around Williamson County, where I live we hear
about well-drilling in lower Bungaloor, we hear 10 weeks about the Holy Spirit
and His work, we hear about the latest Duck-call maker and how he is our new
buddy, but we don't hear "Don't be so surprised that I have told you, you
must be born again!" (John 3:7) We announce on Social Media when the Governor
visits our church, or the grand opening of a brand new satellite campus where
no teaching pastor actually exists and instead the main pastor drops down on a viewing
screen like the jumbo-tron at Cowboy Stadium. "Heeeeeeere's Pastor!"
We have prayer lines where believers stand and get prayed
for. That's wonderful. But then we close the service and send the masses home
with a gesture of the hand and pronouncement of a benediction, but without the
opportunity to avail themselves of the altar, and do their business with God.
We'll occasionally applaud the story of how brother
so-and-so came to church, loved it, and then a few weeks later he prayed with
his neighbor and accepted Jesus. Meanwhile, we ignore the fact that every single week
hundreds of brother so-and-so's are in the seats in our mega building and we
preach an awesome sermon about the Christian life without ever asking them,
directly and forcefully, if they actually have that life within.
The Cross of Calvary is the defining moment of world
history. It was the head-on-collision moment between mankind and God. One does
not come to the cross and leave unphased. One does not meet the Christ of God
in his torment and suffering on Calvary, and it deliver only a glancing blow.
Calvary is a face-first, head-on collision. Your metal gets twisted and your
frame is bent. The window through which you viewed this world gets shattered
and the paint that made it seem so beautiful gets scarred. And when the impact
is over and you grind to a halt on the path that lead you to this hill on the outskirts
of do not continue on the same path. You awake from the fog of
the way you have been living, and you shake your head to clear the cobwebs, and
you check to see what it was that you hit. And then you see the fearsome menace of
the cross and you see it has not moved.
The Cross of Jesus Christ is the immovable object and the irresistible
It draws you to itself and then it breaks you on impact. It is
not a sideswipe. It is not a glancing blow. It is most definitely not a hit and
run...Jesus doesn't just drop in, make a few corrections, and then leave you
with his insurance card in hand. You slam face-first into the cruelty of
Calvary. There is blood. There is damage to your old frame. There is noise and
violence as the nature you were born with is demolished and destroyed and the
new life of Christ Himself is put in it's place. There are no airbags to
cushion the impact.
But the church today has tried to become just
airbag to soften the impact of the most impacting moment in human history.
I can't play that game anymore.
When I was 14, I sat beside a campfire at Summit Lake Camp
in Emmitsburg MD. My church didn't have a Youth Pastor at the time and so we
didn't go to summer camp. I went with another church because some friends invited
me. That Friday night I sat by that fire, and listened to the preacher, and heard
God calling me. I said yes. From that day forward, He has had a plan in place.
I spent my entire high school years thinking about that plan and hoping to see
it happen. One day I read in Ezekiel this verse, and it radically changed my
life. It's Ezekiel 22:30 “I looked for
someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap
on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one."
I don't know why that verse would leap off the page at me at
age 14. I don't know why in 1977 I was already so acutely aware of the path we
were on as a nation and how big a role the Church was playing in where we were heading. In hindsight, this played a large part in my affinity with Liberty
University, and with Dr. Falwell. I saw that verse as literal. And I saw
"the land" as America. No, I do not believe this verse specifically
applies to America. I believe this verse is typical of any nation that claims
Christianity as it's base and it's founding doctrine. I believe this verse
applies to any nation that is founded upon principles derived from Christian
doctrine. I do not believe America was ever a "Christian Nation" in the classical sense. We are not a Theocracy. But when the founding Fathers decided to build this nation on principles, they chose the principles outlined in the Bible. They chose to build a nation based on Faith in God and they crafted laws that favored the practice of religion, particularly Christianity.
I look at that verse today -36 years later- and it still
feels as ominous and still moves my soul. There is a gap in the wall. The hedge
has fallen down. God is seeking righteous men to stand in the gaps and make up
the hedge so that He would not have to destroy the land, but He finds none.
He is not finding the voices of ones crying in the
wilderness. He is not finding clarion calls to repentance and redemption in the
Osteens, Paula White's and Rob Bell's of this world. He is not finding it in
the mega churches of Williamson county where half the population starts their
Sunday morning and leaves without a clear-cut presentation of the doctrine of
salvation. How is it that Tennessee is the most churched state in America, and
the most corrupt? ( list of corrupt states )
Because we have preached a grace that is a disgrace in the eyes of God.
I believe in grace. My life was changed by reading
“The Ragamuffin Gospel” because I had become enslaved by legalism. But we have
overreacted to the legalistic chains of the 60’s and 70’s and 80’s and bound
ourselves with a chain just as insidious. The chain of deception that
everything is permissable. We do not preach a Cross-of-Christ experience that
bends our metal, and twists our frame, and scars our paint, and breaks the windows we see ourselves through. We've preached airbag theology. We've softened the
impact of the very cross that Jesus died on. Jesus Himself made this bold self-pronouncement in Matthew 21: 40-44
Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures: ‘The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes’? “Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit. Anyone who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will be crushed.”
Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures: ‘The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes’? “Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit. Anyone who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will be crushed.”
who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will
be crushed.”
That’s not a
fender-bender. That’s not a cheap-grace, imitation gospel. And that’s not
universalism. You have two choices and those choices become your destiny. When
you come to the Cross of Christ you will either fall on it in surrender, and be
broken and rebuilt...or the Cross of Jesus will fall on you in Judgment, and
you will be shattered and destroyed. There is no middle ground. There is no
cheap repair, and discount paint job. Where is this message today?
I can’t escape
this anymore. I can’t sit back and watch this country slip into the grasp of
evil and not speak up. The church is to be the salt and the light and she is
36 years ago, God
burned this into my heart. He apparently wasn't kidding.
More on that tomorrow...